Today, the bug and I took a walk to the library to return some books. She was pretty happy on the way but as soon as we made a little stop at the church thrift store next to the library she started gettin' crunk.
Of course very very nice people look at her and try to get her to cheer up. But what they don't know is that she thinks strangers, no matter how pleasant or granny-like, are monsters. And she cries hysterically at the "monsters."
This happens anywhere in public where people make eye contact with her and say hi: the grocery store, church, the chiropractor, bookstore, etc.
So yes, we're in the store and these nice church ladies feel terrible because she's wailing, with tears streaming down her face. And I know she won't feel better until we leave, but I hadn't paid for my 70's buckskin blazer yet. They kept handing her toys in futility. Upon leaving, the lady behind the counter handed her a little teddy bear and said she could keep it.
I think she's gonna grow up to cry her way out of speeding tickets.
I should buy this and have her wear it as a warning.
Of course, 60 seconds after we entered the library, next door, she sees people and begins bawling again. U-turn! No new books today!
Happy 18th Birthday, Alayna!
2 years ago