My theme until the kids get into preschool is tiredness. Tiredness until January.
Baby R got sick and barfed at KidsPark and I didn't know my phone was on silent. So not only did I unknowingly bring a barfy kid to childcare, but I also didn't come and get him when he got sick.
I felt AWFUL about the whole thing. I took them some "apology cookies" this morning with a card to those women that had to take care of him.
I need to take them there tomorrow because I have a ton of projects I'm working on, but I'm kinda afraid of them giving me the look when I go in there. Maybe it'll be different people? Who knows.
After we bought our new fridge, we stood outside the store and there was this display with a real old Ford Fairlane behind the glass. Since it is her middle name, I made her stand next to it and take her pic.

Yes, the "l" is missing in the name, like it broke off.

Baby R had to get in on it too.

This is Kid C's pumpkin. She drew it out and Kevin cut it out.
I know I'm completely biases, but I was impressed with hers and Baby R's too.
But I felt like I would draw something like that on purpose to look "whimsical."
The scar on the head? So great.

Baby R's looked like something from Nightmare Before Christmas. I liked it alot too.
Kid C took these photos with the camera. It's like a tiny gallery showing of Mojito as her muse. The yawn one is actually a super awesome shot!

And the long awaited refrigerator serenade video. As the installers were putting our fridge in the kitchen, she sang to them in "spanish" which was just her making up gibberish, and a few Dora vocabulary words thrown in occasionally.