I remember getting a Christmas tree as a kid, and it was always accompanied by arguing and angst. I'm not sure what made my mom so tense, but the whole operation was executed like necessary visit to the GYN doctor.
Last year, I thought those stressful tree days were behind me. I traveled with Kevin's family up into the mountains to their traditional tree farm, cut down our own
perfect tree, carted it back and happily planted it in our living room. No fights, no strife, riding in the back of a 1987 Dodge Caravan was my only complaint.
This year, the wheels came off.Here were the players on the field:
Me, Kevin, Mojito, Franklin, Cricket, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law-- that's 2 dogs, 1 baby, and four in laws.
We took two cars, and the car ride up was nice. I didn't even mind how unbelievably far we had to drive up winding mountain roads to get to the trees-- but Mojito did.
Who knew dogs get car sick? If any dog is sensitive enough to get queasy, it's my chihua-chshund. Luckily he didn't barf on me, he barfed on the vinyl seat, but I still had to mop up the regurgitated kibbles. Here's a photo of Mojito giving me the look of "please let me out.":
When we got out of the car, it became clear that I did not come prepared. No gloves, no baby hat or pacifier and no bjorn pouch. Crap. The dogs went nutz with all the people milling around and all the trees to pee on.
And as for the
perfect tree, that idea went out the window. When he asked "what kind do you want?" I replied "a close one."
Kevin carried Cricket until he had to cut the tree down. After that hand off to Grandma, she cried for over an hour, straight through. It was unbelivable. So loud, especially when you're trapped in a car.
Scream scream scream down the mountain. Even after we got home and I fed her, she still was inconsolable. As we were trying to set the tree up-- cry cry cry.
I'm going add that to the top of my list of holiday spirit killers, along with drunken relatives, and political arguments- the screaming baby.