Monday, November 07, 2005

eat, drive, more eating, drive again...

On Saturday night, we partook in a "progressive dinner." The in-laws graciously babysat the little bug, allowing us seven straight hours of mobile gluttony.
If you're not familiar with the concept, I'll enlighten you:
Each course of a meal is eaten at a different house, and by "course" I mean enough food to be a meal in itself. I proved to have a hollow leg, although frankly I held off a bit to allow for maxiumum chocolate fondue consumption. (Ohhh, chocolate fountain, so calori-ffic. You would have thought I was still pregnant.)
We ended the evening playing The Newlywed Game. Yes, there is an official board game of one my mom's favorite game shows. Unfortunately, Bob Eubanks doesn't fit in the box. We decided to skip questions such as "which friend would your husband say he finds most attractive?" or even worse, "If all the men in the room did a full monty dance number, whom would you tip?" Those questions will cost you weeks in marital counseling or at least a couple of nights on the couch. Kevin* suffered two pillow strikes due to his answer to the question "Your wife would never win a contest of _____." He filled in the blank with "Math."
*He would want you all to know that he regained some face by being the only husband to correctly answer "what is your mother-in-law's birthday?"

Does my head look "loafish" to you? Posted by Picasa


laura said...

mmm...i need to find one of these dinners in my hood! sounds great! "loafish"? LMAO...and the answer is NO.

laura said...

just an and kevin are the only ones in the pic with black framed glasses...a few weeks ago we were out eating w/ a bunch of friends...and noticed that we ALL had on the black framed glasses!

A. Diabetic Person said...

Yeah i'm not seeing where you're getting loafish from. But I am excited that I know 4 people besides you guys in that picture!