Sunday, November 20, 2005

the precious

Nothing to do with Lord of the Rings, but lots to do with sonries de latinos.
I'm not even the least bit hispanic, I'm as white as a Hostess Sno-ball, but I think I like 92.3.
It's not the Mexican polka music that I usually associate with Mexican radio. What I've gathered is that it's "oldies" or maybe "viejitos," I dunno. But if I don't try, I can't tell what they're singing about, or even what they're advertising for. It's like being on vacation, the music is happy, and you don't have to stress about a broken heart or where to buy your car (because you don't understand.)
Me gusta! Y soy una guera!


Lucy said...

You're a war?

"guerra" is war in Spanish. Maybe you meant gringa?

Funnily enough, when my mother died, Salsa was the only music I could listen to that didn't remind me of her, so that was all I listened to for a year, or I risked bursting into tears.

That song "In the Arms of an Angel" came out in the last weeks of her life, and EVERY station was playing it. I still can't bear it.

Charlie said...

It's a weak Beck reference. Apparently guerro is slang for white guy. So I say guerra, because I'm a chick.

Yeah, I'm a sensitive song person. I get stressed if the music I'm listening to isn't right for the situation.

Lucy said...

Psst: one R then

But I had to use .


PS: my word verification for this comment is "jobhobo". I feel like I'm being called a slacker by the universe.

A. Diabetic Person said...

que ondo guerra?

Charlie said...

there, one R, all is right in the mundo.