Sunday, March 09, 2008

I made a chihu-aco!

It's been a long time a comin' for this new dog bed for my little Mojito. I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes when I was carrying him around in it.


Unknown said...

omg. yes, i'm laughing at you, er I mean with you...
did you make that?!

My Mid-Afternoon Daydream said...

Looks like he's loving every second of it...though he still may get into the laundry piles ;o)

Charlie said...

I did! I sewed it. I still have to sew some more snaps on the the "salsa" and "lettuce" pillows so that they'll stay put inside the "tortilla."
He naps in it, but he still went to the big ugly blanket for deep sleep, heh.