Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Could have a side of cole-sla with that?

Since the dawn of time, the name Charlsa has been mispelled and misprounced. This, I believe, is why the previous two Charlsa's didn't go by their given name at all. It's a messy business, much akin to the Dread Pirate Roberts.

The three most common mispells or mispronounciations of my name are:

1. Charisa
2. Chelsa
3. Charsla

The first one I give people a break for, because the "l" can easily be mistaken for an "i" and Charisa is actually a name.

But the other two make my skin crawl.

To this day, I think the name Chelsea is ugly. Mostly because the mutation of that name, Chelsa, has been dumbly substituted for mine.

And Charsla, what is that? What is that? "Sla" sounds like "slut" with out the T on it, and that word doesn't make any sense at all!
Just today I was doing some online banking, with my name clearly displayed in the chat window with the person, and STILL I get the "sla" business:

Evelyn: Hello Charsla, how can I help you today?
charlsa blaylock: hi, I need to transfer funds to my loan from my checking acct, please.
Evelyn: I will be happy to assist you with this today Charsla.
Evelyn: Thank you very much for your identification information!
charlsa blaylock: no prob, just following directions, :)
Evelyn: How much would you like to transfer to the auto loan today Charsla?
charlsa blaylock: 100.00 please
Evelyn: One moment Charsla.

The way she repeated it was like she was mocking me!


Unknown said...

that was funny stuff and i can hear you saying it.

Sam said...

oh man! I hear ya. I get irritated when people ask me how to pronounce my last name and the say MINER and correct them...then they continue to say it wrong... I'm with ya!

Anonymous said...

with me, it was always the 'Blaylock" that people couldn't get their tongues around, even when spelled correctly. You don't seem to have had that problem, no?