Do I make a "cupcake cake", line up a bunch of cupcakes in the shape of 2 and frost the whole thing like a coral reef?
(imagine this in the shape of a 2!)
Do I buy one of these super pans and make a stand up teddy bear?
I call a vote! What do we think?
could you make a stand up coral reef?
I vote a cupcake "2". It will be easier and look really cool. Go with the 2!!! Mom
We use to love decorating our cakes ourselves. For Matthew's # 2 b-day it was a train with cookie pinwheels and licorish and animal crackers etc. it was really fun. Cupcakes are good or a sheet cake corral reef.
i vote for the cupcake 2 as well. the bear is kinda creepy
Okay, the fish cake totally wins. I went and bought supplies today and I think it's gonna kick butt!
Definitely down with the fishy cake. But my GOSH, I can't believe you can DO that. My kids will be lucky if their brownies get frosted with the stuff that comes in the box.
too hard to pic and you are making me really want to be there for her bday. you know, you only turn 2 once.
"I" vote for the coral cake shaped in a two... My hubby, Jaaaaames, votes for the cupcakes so he can eat ~erin
of the two choices, the #2 is the best. How creepy would it be to cut into your teddy bear?
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