Thursday, February 03, 2005

Nombres nombres nombres

Like people (chicks) I know, I have been selecting names for my future children since I was probably-- 7rs old. And I thought I had my mind made up about the names way before I ever saw that little pink line on the test. ..(How can a Boston Terrier possibly get enough oxygen with his face pressed in my elbow pit?)...But then I made a mistake, telling people the names! Now of course, I doubt my otherwise sound judgement. I find myself driving around and searching for any text I can find on street signs, advertisements or car names. I think I'm starting to obsess. Which makes me think: I should just make up my mind now.
Please. Make up my mind now, like I can do that. I dont know how people who decide that they're naming their son John Jr. in month one, can live with themselves? How can they not give into the tempation of another better name out there?
What I'm really hoping most of all is that I don't look at my child years later and think "man, what a stupid name."
But what I won't do is offer up a vote for people. Damn right won't. Other people pick names like Caitlin, McKenna, and Connor.
{{disclaimer}} My apologies to anyone who named their child any of the above names, I'm sure they're perfectly nice children.}
So I've decided to keep my final decision top secret, classified information. Everyone will just have to wait until D-day to hear the results of my months of obsession.
(anything to make me feel more like a secret agent :) )


Mrs. H said...

Personally, I like Spike.

A. Diabetic Person said...

May I suggest "Allison" for a girl?
It's always served me well.
Until Allison Sweeney came along. But still.
Oh wait, you aren't taking suggestions are you? Well if you want your kid to be pushy, I suggest the name Allison.
And for what it's worth, whatever your kid's name is, I love him/her already!

A. Diabetic Person said...

I often find a Boston Terrier in my elbow pit in the middle of the night. They must be able to breathe through their eyes or something.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Kevin Jr. or Charlsa IV
See how easy it is?

Charlie said...

I like Spike too! :) It's on the list, but i don't know if we'll do it.