I arrived thursday evening here in Big D after a day of flying with a colicky 4 month old baby. My fears were indeed confirmed, she screamed.
And screamed.
I fed her.
She screamed.
I changed her diaper.
More screaming.
I had bought earplugs for everyone near me, but most people had their headphones on and wouldn't make eye contact with me anyway.
I had planned on feeding her pumped milk on the plane so I wouldn't have to do boobie-business in front of strangers.
But in addition to my toothbrush I had
forgotten that milk in the fridge at home!
Draped or not, to say it was a challenge would be an understatement.
She's not easy to feed in my living room. Add a few thousand feet of altitude and the noise of NY subway station, and you got yourself a problem.
I teared up, I did. I almost lost it when the flight attendant had to come over to help me. She rubbed Cricket's forehead for seemingly forever until she finally fell asleep. I got about 15 minutes of peace before we had to make our descent and I was required to sit her up and consequently wake her to secure her on my lap.
The second leg of the flight, thank heavens, she was a little sleepier and it was easier for me to stand up with her so she could look around. Don't get me wrong, she still cried on that last leg but it wasn't like an ambulance siren, so I was grateful.
However, I was
surronded by men in all directions. I'm a nursing mom and
even I don't think I would want someone rubbing elbows with me while feeding her baby. I imagine that sentiment is multiplied ten fold if you're a business man.
I kept trying to think of things to be grateful for:
"at least I'm not sick..."
"at least she's not sick..."
"I didn't miss my second flight, that's good..."
"the plane didn't crash, also good..."
"your life is otherwise amazingly wonderful, Jesus loves you and everything else is fine, so if this is the worst thing right now, you're still ahead..."
Of course, when she and I exited the plane, she was dandy. You would have thought flight attendants were rumored in the baby world to give shots and
rudely take your temperature, the way she acted.
Anyway, we're here. And Cricket's napping right now. :)
My birthday party is tonight. I didn't keep track of who's coming so it's almost like a surprise party. I think there's also a possibility of presents which is fun, I don't care how old you are.
I'll be here for about 2 weeks if any of you mysterious blogging Texans want to meet me. ;)