Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Baby Tuesday

This week's Baby Tuesday pics are coming to you from the lone star state. Enjoy!

I was told they didn't make this kind of thing anymore. But I gues they've improved it to make it safer than it was? I dunno. But Cricket loves it. Video of her hoppin around in it to come.

You're right, that's a terrier, not a baby. This is our diapering station at home and Franklin considers all soft things lying on the floor a potential bed for him. Empty fuzzy onesies apparently qualify.

Is it me, or does Cricket look like a 4 year old ballerina in this photo? We called this her prep school ensemble.

The grandparents. A year ago, they had no grandkids at all, now they've got two.


laura said...

little cricket always looks serious, like she's coming up with a theorum.

Anonymous said...

Gwynn and Phil (look at the gray beard on Phil), the grandparents. I am calling Gwynn GoGo Grandma, and Phil, Pops. Just FYI.
And the "Johnny Jump-up" rocks...


Sam said...

DUDE!! Johnny Jump-ups ROCK!! I'm so happy they're back!! Is that one your's or Ro's?

Lucy said...

She is splendid as ever. She travels splendid.

A. Diabetic Person said...

Heh, rollerskater said "theorum."