Monday, January 30, 2006

its been a few days

So I'll pose some rhetorical haus frau questions, just y'all to chew on:

-Are there any non-frumpy ways to keep your feet warm at home, other than stylishly turning up the thermostat?
-What makes babies try to pick your nose incessantly while you're trying to type?
-Can they please stop playing Dire Straits on the radio?
-Why must Boppies be so dorky looking?
-What is it with cats and their demand for fresh water every 20 minutes? Forget it! I drink day old water all the time, cat.
-Can they make a healthier Girl Scout Cookie?

I'll add more as I think of them, you can too...


Unknown said...

#2 is funny.

Sam said...

Dude....non-frumpy way to warm your feet...LLAMA SLIPPERS!

Charlie said...

Like with little llama heads staring up at me?

laura said...

another foot warming idea...a pair of wicked warm slippers from l.l. bean! how dorky can they be if they're called "wicked"???

Unknown said...

I bet you could make your own boppy cover.