Tuesday, January 03, 2006

In case I ever have more money than I know what to do with

I was browsing how much homes sell for in Venice, Italy.
They aren't cheap.
But jinkies, Lord Byron's 16th Century villa is for sale, how cool is that?


laura said...

you should totally buy it!

i had a dream that you & kevin had a marble pool! it was beautiful!

also, in this dream, you had to carry my baby for the rest of the time & you blogged his pictures before you called & told us he was born! oh, and he was a chimpanzee. i'll have to post this on my own blog.

Unknown said...

Villa in Venice? Are you sure you are my sister?

Charlie said...

I know, a Ventian retirement home is far from an airstream roaming North America. But when I was there I was amazed that anyone *actually* lived there. It would be like living in a storybook or Disneyland. There really isn't anything new there, newer than the 19th century. I thought it was neat, but I wouldn't speak Italian and I wouldn't have any friends there either, so that would suck.