Thursday, March 29, 2007

"like totally!"

Like everyone else, I have an internal voice, that is different from my spoken voice. It sounds normal and articulate like a narrator in a movie.
And then when I open my mouth, I sound like a mallrat.

My name is Charlie and I have a qualifier problem.

It's nearly impossible to have an exchange with someone without over-using "like."
I can trace this habit back to Katie Buckland in the 2nd grade. I'm sorry Katie, but you started me on it and 19 years later I still can't quit it.
This is the least of my problems.

The worst is qualifying almost every sentence by interjecting "actually" or "technically."

I call it the Ty Pennington disorder. If any reader has seen Extreme Makeover Home Edition, you will know that Ty uses too many adverbs in his sentences.
Like, "really kinda" or "like kinda really great" or "actually really bad." These sort of sentences would be marked up and down by any junior high grammar teacher.
It makes my eyes roll when I hear him say things like that, but then here I am doing the same thing!

I can't stop myself from doing it unless I speak overly carefully and sound like I have a speech problem.

So everyone, I'm sorry I talk like a big dummy.
I swear I've been to college!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Baby Tuesday

This is my current baby dilemma:
Baby R sleeps really well from 5pm to 3am. But I don't want to go to bed at 5pm. And then of course Im miserably tired at 3am when he says "Good Morning! Time to start the day!" by way of crying and wanting to be held.
Yep, right now he's fast asleep and I'm up, just asking for punishment in about 6 hours.

UPDATE (@4:52AM)
He woke up and I fed him at 9pm, then I went to bed at 10pm.
He woke at 12am, I fed him and he stayed up for 3 hours until I fed him again at 3am.
Then at 4:30am, he awoke screaming with gas pain, and he's still up.
Grand total of sleep for me: 3hrs.
(And Kevin wonders why I'm in a bad mood in the morning!)

Sam called me out and said that last week's 3 photos was not enough.
So I'm making up fo it this week with [too] many photos.

General wakefulness. One of 3 moods he has.

Although he is prone to crying, this is in fact, a yawn.

Here's that crazy eye again! I wish he wouldn't do that, it creeps me out!

I don't know why I like this pic, but I do.

"you put what in my cup?"

"well that does it!"

Sleepiness. My favorite mood of all.

He only smiles in his sleep. They get bigger and cuter than this, but my clicker finger wasn't fast enough.

She loves him. He's not so sure about her, but she loves him.

Please, anything but a nap.

Look at this piece of artwork! I scored it from one of the pastors at church. He was just gonna rip out the painting and repaint the frame but I went on and on about how fantastic it was, so he let me have it, begrudgingly.
It now hangs in Baby C's room.
She loves it too. She constantly points to it and says "Dog! Dog!" She, like me, can appreciate the finer things like black velvet and gold trimmed chihuahua paintings from 1972.

someone's got alot of ugly to throw around

I check my inbox this afternoon and see that I have two new anonymous comments on my blog, both for pretty old posts.
They are so c-c-c-crazy that I had to share them.
Besides, I have to be last one to make fun of somebody.
Last time I got a comment like these, it ended up being written by my own mother, so Mom if you're the cuckoo, fess up.

This one was on my last wig post.

Yeah first of all you do have to wash them. How gross are you that you want hair thats never been washed. If you spent any time in a good wig shop you'd know they sell special shampoo just for wigs although Suave works fine. Also why exactly isn't it socially acceptable to wear a wig unless you've had Cancer. To me that statement is socially unacceptable. I have 10 wigs which are nothing like my real hair and I haven't had Cancer so does that make me immoral in some way to want nice hair I have no trouble brushing? I see nothing abnormal about wearing a good wig since no one should be able to tell anyway. Are you really that insecure of what people will think of you?

To answer your first question, yes I'm pretty gross.
I try not to spend time in wig shops, because even I know they're for drag queens and women who take too many pills with their gin.
Hmm, insecure? I think that would be you, hater-lady.

And then on my spider post-

What kind of moron leaves their kid's stroller outside? Then complains when animals get on it duh. You had to know that would happen especially if you live in an area overrun with Spiders. Perhaps the next time you move you should do some research beforehand. You're like those dimwits who move to Arizona and then complain about having Scorpions in the house.

Moron? Dimwit? Ouch, that's harsh from a stranger.
Geez, the Jehovah's Witness guy was more civil than you.
And does this surprise anyone that she's an Arizonan?
Who wouldn't complain about scorpions in the house?!

Do I remind you of someone that has wronged you?

Are you possessed by a demon?

If this insanity happens again, I will be convinced I have a stalker. (Easily recognized by the freshly washed wig and the dream-catcher sweatshirt)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Shameless plug

A friend of mine graciously gave me a Hooter Hider and I am in turn advertising for her company here on the blog. She didn't ask me to, I just want to.

If you are a mommy who doesn't like to show her goods to all the people on the playground everytime the little nipper needs a snack, Hooter Hiders are for you!

Public decency
, here I come.

"Nothin' to see here, go about your business!"

updates goods and bads


bad news- Baby C hasn't taken a nap for the last two days. I hope it isn't a pattern. I think I need a toddler treadmill for her. She's been steadily protesting the idea from her crib for the last hour.

good news- we don't have to replace the floor in the bathroom. After more hard labor from Kevin, we were able to air out the wet subfloor. All we have to do is put back what we tore up.

bad news- None of my clothes fit right anymore and I've already spent April's allowance. Dammit.

good news- It's "Pile Week" in Santa Clara and we're throwing a ton of trash out.

and more good news- I mailed off a packet today that is a big step toward my secret project. Some of you may know about the project, in which case it isn't a secret to you. But since I'm not supposed to discuss the [best] project [ever] until my cohort has given his blessing, it shall remain a secret until then. Cone of silence to those of you who know!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Things Fall Apart

It's begun-- the mind-losing. If you could see me, you'd know something is wrong. My hair is terrible, I'm wearing ugly house-clothes, two sizes two big-- I'm not myself.
I can't remember the last time I have been so tired. In college I was this tired the night before a speech or a research paper was due, but then I eventually was able to sleep.
Now there is no sleep ('til Brooklyn).
Yesterday we realized our toilet had been slowly leaking into the floor of our bathroom and then into the floor of our closet, also into the drywall and definitely the carpet. So while Baby R slept all afternoon, because he's noctural like a possum, Kevin had to rip up the carpet, pull out baseboards and drywall. Needless to say, everything that was on our closet floor had to go.
Go where?
All over the house, especially the laundry--which has never been so out of control in my life.
It's literally in every room in piles of either clean or dirty.
I can't really do anything with the clean clothes because the closet is a war zone, and why clean the dirty clothes when I can't even make sense of the clean ones I have?
Right now, the baby is crying next to me on the couch, he's been angry all day. His nose is snotty and he has gas. After Mylicon and walking around with him has brought no relief, what else can I do? I think he may be turning to the dark side, Baby C must have coerced him.
I was so hungry at lunch time I wolfed down mac n' cheese and a ham sandwich in about 30 seconds. I was in crazy starvation mode, I wanted to eat everything in sight. I think this is how house-mommies get great-big-fat. Babies make ya' binge.
So back to the toilet leak problemo: Kevin has had the fans blowing on the exposed floor for about 24 hours now and a giant section of wet carpet is airing-out in our driveway. He slept on a mattress in Baby R's room. I, like most nights, slept on our couch. And by "slept" I mean about 4 hours total.
I don't know what we're gonna do about the floor. We all packed into the car last night to price replacing the padding and laminate, but it's a can of worms I can't fully take in right now.
I'm so tired I don't even want to get up off the couch.

This is what I want- to sleep in my own bed, for about 30 hours straight (without waking up in a puddle of milk).

...he's still crying, and Baby C just woke up and is now crying...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Baby Tuesday

Both babies are asleep! Let's see how long it lasts...

Kevin took the night shift a couple of nights ago, bless him. I came into the living room in the morning and found the two of them like this.

I took this photo of Baby C...

...and Kevin took this one. I'm trying not to take it personally that she looks annoyed and confused in mine and totally cute and sassy-pants in his.

*videos coming later*

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

sometimes I want to stuff them in boxes

People say that when you have kids, your pets get the shaft.
With just one baby, that wasn't really true for us. They got more walks and more food scraps fell on the floor.
But now that we have two babies, my patience is stretched to a new limit and anything the dogs and [especially] the cat do that is remotely annoying, I want to kill them.

For instance, just this morning:

Baby R had only slept about 45min-1hr at a time last night (because I ate garlic and gave him gas, my bad). So I crawl into bed with him, despite his fussiness and attempt to get him to fall asleep so I could go to sleep.
The cat made it her priority to meow like she was in heat until I finally got up to throw her out. She tries to make me hate her.

AND THEN, we finally got Baby C to fall asleep for her nap around 1pm. At 2pm, the dogs , in the bathroom next to her room decided to wrestle and growl and flop around so loudly that it woke her up.

She is currently meddling next to me as I type this-- instead of sleeping, thanks to our pets.

I love the dogs, but right now I want to make coats out of them.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Baby Tuesday

Clearly this B.T. shows a bias towards the new baby, seeing that there is only one of her and the rest are of him.
But how cute is the one of her?!
She was still kinda sick, that's why she's not a blur of motion like she usually is.

Here's the first of his Don Rickles impressions.

There are tons of photos of him in his swing, because that's where he sleeps, for now at least. And this isn't the swing cover I made, this is the car seat cover I made, but since his diaper leaked onto the swing cover, the car seat cover, spangled with 1970's American muscle cars, took it's place for a while.

In that last one he's giving me the crazy eye!

He hiccups alot- too much for my liking. They keep him awake in the wee hours!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I get a "unsatisfactory" mark in "following directions"

You know how new moms are supposed to "sleep when the baby sleeps"?

Okay, it's been a week and I just want to play on the computer or do something other than sleep on this couch at odd hours of the day.

I'll be sorry later. But I'm obviously not sorry now.

Plus, he slept like 6 hours (not in row) last night, so hey that's good right?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Baby Tuesday

or shall I title it, All My Gassy Children?

Hello everyone.

The birth went perfectly..
Well, there was the wrong-number-guy who kept ringing my delivery room as the anesthesioligst was inserting needles into my spine(!).
Can anyone think of a worse time to have the phone keep ringing than when you're being told "hold completely still and relax, I'm inserting a catheter io your spinal cord." ?!
And then when it came time to push, the midwife was with another patient and the nurse tells me "Can you wait 5 minutes?"
Yeah, I barely made it. I was mentally preparing myself to have Kevin catch the baby.

Otherwise everything went really really good. I won't go into the gory details of what normally happens for those of you who don't know but let's just say I can sit just fine. It only took 3 pushes, just like last time.

I got alot of comments from the staff like "hey you're good at this," or "see you next time" etc.
And I started to get brainwashed while at the hospital, thinking "hmm, maybe I shouldn't stop at 2, maybe I should have more babies." I mean, Baby R was sleeping most of the time (unlike his sister) and all I had to do was lie in bed and feed him when they brought him in.
But then when we got home, I snapped out of it real quick. Baby R was no longer so quiet and need-less which was compounded with Baby C's general neediness and the wheels fell off. "No, no more babies, 2 is it! That's enough! 3?! What was I thinking?!"

Like I said, Baby R is gassy. And usually not the kind that produces a burp.
He's got a little bit of the baby IBS like Baby C did. He's still doesn't hold a candle to her in the fussy department, but he's not exactly the marshmallow lump that the stork brings to other lucky mothers.
It's pretty much impossible to make him sleep horizontally. He prefers to sleep upright against a parent.
I'm mostly using the cues from the Dunstan Baby Language theory, which I totally believe in. The problem is, when the cry means feed me, burp me, I'm sleepy or I'm scared, those are easy things to aleviate. But "lower gas" there's not much to help that. Two nights ago, I tried Mylicol gas drops again and again, but they didn't make a difference.

I'm really hoping it will work itself out and I can put him in his own bed. He's yet to sleep in there. Since we've been home, I've slept on the couch and he's slept on my chest, no more than 2.5 hours total a night. I've learned by giving up the idea of ever going to bed myself, it's less maddening when I don't sleep. I just say "self, you are not going to bed tonight at all."

The nights have gone something like this:
9pm-2am, watch alot of TV while walking around with him, feeding him, etc.
2am-5am, sleep on couch with baby
5am-8am, watch the same 5 news stories over and over again until Kevin gets up with Baby C and then Baby R and I can get in bed.
8am-noon, sleep in my bed with baby (which makes me nervous, but it's the only way I can sleep at all)

We all went on a walk today because Baby R has a slight case of Jaundice. I know the peditrician said little bit of yellowing is normal and not to worry about it.
But then I also know there is a point at which it's too yellow.
How to know where to draw the line?
I called the nurse and she just beat around the bush for like 15 minutes while every baby in the house was screaming and the cordless phone was beeping because it was losing it's charge.
What I could make of her "advice" was to put him in the sunlight or bring him in if I think it's getting worse. Oye.

Here's his going-home outfit. I'm a sucker for anything with ears. He was still fooling us into thinking he would sleep (flat in his bed!) for the next 3 months.

This video is pretty pitiful (I think Sam was trying to take a still shot), but it is moving footage of the night he was born, so I included it. Turn your head 90 degrees before clicking the play button.

Baby C is taking to Baby R very well. She likes to bring me the boppy and his pacifier and try to "help" as much as possible. Kevin is assigned to Baby C care during the day since he gets a full night's rest (since he's the parent that doesn't produce milk).

Baby C stayed with Grandma T and Granpa T (and partly with Great Auntie Sandi as well) while we were at the hospital. She saved her puking sessions for us though. Yesterday there was much barfing. We are praying that none of the rest of us et sick, especially her brother. Y'all can pray too. That might push me over the edge.

Sunday, March 04, 2007