We drove all the way tot the East Bay to see elephants, the SF Zoo does not have them.
Although they do have an empty building labeled "Pachyderms" from the 1930's.
And they put on a big show for us: #1 and #2, live in person!
Oh, she does love a dromedary camel.
Seriously, she does.
Their friend Kid K turned had her birthday party on Saturday.
Birthday party always put our parenting skills to the test, I tell ya.
Here, we have blogs crossing paths. The Appleby family was in town, and they brought their kids too. Their daughter also just wanted to play in the sandbox despite the jumphouse.
Those bug boxes were serious business to some of the kids, my Kid C included. They made sure they had the right number and throughout the afternoon kept checking to see where their box was and if someone had tampered with it.
"Who cares about the jump house, I have a sandbox to myself."
Kid C and Kid A searching for "bugs" on the plastic critter hunt.
There ended up being an acttal dead lizard that looked nearly identical to the rubber ones that were scattered throughout the yard. Thankfully a dad saw it first, and it didn't end up smashed in someone's bug box.
The kids helped me make biscuits.
When we were done, there was flour all over the floor and all of us, and the biscuits didn't rise.
But hey.
They finally got in and jumped...and then Baby R got slammed by another kid, and Kid C barfed.
My kid was the barfing kid.
Thankfully she had already gotten out and barfed far away.
the barfing kid...lol...and she loves the camel...good stuff.
fyi.. did you know that we are related to "braveheart" william wallace simpson.. big poppa's great grandpa was william morris wallis 3rd gen from wallace of the movie.. ask ur mom she might knowmore...
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