Wednesday, May 03, 2006

already, a refined palette

Sorry, more baby news, I promise, next time I'll talk about politics or macro ecomonics or something.

The baby has become disatisfied with tradtional baby foods, that is, foods that are completely squished up. It appears I've given birth to another texture person.
The problem is that she only has 3 teeth-- in the front, not good for chewing.
Today's lunch creation is as follows:

8 month Pizza

One kosher motza cracker, crushed.
1/2 cup organic marinara sauce
sprinkle of Tillamook medium cheddar cheese, shredded

Mix it together, microwave and voila! Baby pizza.

I ate leftover pizza from last night, and she had her pizza.
'Never knew the difference.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww! What a good mom! My mom cut up my sandwiches into bite sized pieces for me when I had my braces and my teeth hurt too much to bite.

In high school.

Good times.