Saturday, May 13, 2006

crafty? stylish? total cheapskate? YES!

When Lucky magazine hit the newstands , I cheered. Surely, this was my magazine. I know what you're thinking "magazine about shopping", how shallow is that? I know, I know. But darnit, I like stuff. And I didn't buy any of it, I just got ideas.

Then I found ReadyMade magazine. I currently have a subccription to it because it was so perfect. It's for people who like stuff and making stuff.

But I just discovered Budget Living maagzine. I don't think it gets much more specific than that. I like stuff, making stuff, and moreso, cheap stuff.
Cheap stuff is the best stuff of all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Charlie... they ceased publishing after their Dec. 2005 issue. I had my first real Scout-sitting (all nite) Sat. nite. What fun and she was so good! And she slept 7p to 7a. I think I may have her hair under control -- she didn't wake up with the usual pillow perm! (You know Aunty San will be so jealous -- better plan an evening out!)