Thursday, May 11, 2006

we must not forget

Cloak and Dagger.
I thought that movie was so cool, it still shows up in my dreams.
Yes, Dabney Coleman still acts if you wondered what happened to him. He's doing encore performances in my brain.
The other night I was trying to explain the River Walk in San Antonio to someone who's never been to Texas at all. I said "you know the movie Cloak and Dagger? they were at the River Walk." And he said "uh I dunno."
He was 31! How is that possible?
I want to watch it really bad now, to test if it's as good as I remember.
(I did that with Neverending Story and discovered how dumb that movie is when you're not 7yrs old.)


laura said...

cloak and dagger ruled...e$ went to school with that kid...and since his name was elliott in ET, he got majorly harassed.

yeah, grade school kids are dumb.

i didn't like the never ending story...even as a kid.

Unknown said...

Charlie---Cloak and Dagger was AWESOME. It scared the crappys out of me when that woman took off her glove in the car.....and..aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.....her hand was missing the fingers!!!!! Awesome movie. Watched it last summer to reminisce. Hey, I watched the entire Neverending Story recently too, and I still like it :)