Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Readers Digest, the magazine for people who don't like to read

I rarely like a book I read. That either makes me shallow, impatient or ignorant, perhaps all three, I dunno. But my new found love for the "New Books" section in our local library has given me hope of liking more than say five books in all my days.
I love the book I'm reading now. I'm not going to recommend it unless you're very much like me (in that case, congratulations, you have excellent taste and are fun at parties!).
It's called the Clumsiest People in Europe Or, Mrs. Mortimer's Bad-Tempered Guide to the Victorian World
I could tell you about it, but I'm sure the people who get paid to tell you about books at will do a much better job.

It's bully!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip; actually I didn't buy that book, but a book that 'had been read by people who 'bought your's called London 1945: Life in the Debris of War"...I read a good review of this sometime ago and then couldn't remember the Thanks!!

Unknown said...

Reasons you don't like the books you read: You choose books that are "classics" and other such "required" reading. Reading the classics is a whip...quit beating yourself up. Choose fun books, funny books, books about murder and betrayal and sex....I mean c' is serious enough without putting your reading through an AP English course. Just let yourself go and read some trash. You might enjoy it.