Sunday, December 17, 2006

mental yule block

I was standing in line at Wahoo's, not to be confused with Yahoo's, waiting to place my order for fish tacos, when I heard someone meet her friend and say,
to which the guy replied,
"merry Christmas."
And they exchanged a polite hug.

A polite hug is a good metaphor on how I feel about saying "Merry Christmas" to someone, as a greeting. Forced and awkward.

Like the rest of the year I say "sup, cracka'" or "word to your mom" but during December suddenly I become a part of 19th century Victorian England and use the word "merry" in a sentence.
Feels weird.

Not that I don't honestly hope that people make happy Christmas memories with their families, that no one gets drunk n' ornery, or drives off the road into a tree, or finds that rats ate the cookies for Santa (although I think that would be pretty entertaining). But I can't bring myself to say it.

But then I don't like to talk about serious feelings.

I guess the "merry Christmas" apprehension is related to that.

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