Saturday, June 10, 2006

is this how prairie people did it?

I was thumbing through one of K's Make magazines and saw that there was a How-To on making a wind power generator. I was kinda interested because I've been considering making my own outdoor fountain and thought "hmm, maybe instead of wiring it to PG&E, I could run it on wind power."
But then I saw how involved it was and thought "nevermind, out of my league."
However, I did see that the guy that wrote the How To makes these windmills all the time and goes down to Mexico to help villages set up their own power. It also gave his website: Vela Creations.
If you scoot around on their site, it's interesting how these 20-somethings live and what they do with their time. I'm not tough enough to do it. I can't even handle camping much less living on 20 acres of desert in West Texas.


Unknown said...

This is a post that peaks my interest and temptsme to give up my current life and head to the desert. I do believe that I'd love that life.

laura said...

i'm with you, charlie...not nearly tough enough. i do like the idea of the wind power...that's cool. i heard a story on npr this AM about wind power and how the wealthy nor'easters don't want those turbines mucking up the scenery...even those that claim to be environmentalists *cough* edward kennedy *cough*.