Thursday, March 16, 2006

Everyone is out to get your coffee!

K and I aren't really coffee drinkers. I like coffee, and I definitely drink it when I'm tired or when it's a social thing, but I'm not a daily java person.
But has anyone (other than my husband) noticed that anybody who's trying to get you to buy something tells you "for the price of a cup of coffee" or "it's the same amount as your cup of coffee." ?
Everyone wants that disposable income from you. I remember there was a less than agreeable patient of ours and she tried to explain how her vitamin sales business was going to make her rich.
She used the "well you know people buy coffee, so they could spend the same amount on daily supplements."
Yeah, they could, but they won't.
Then she tried to use that logic on me. It didn't matter to her that I didn't really drink coffee, didn't have disposable income, and if I had had that extra 50 bucks a month, I probably wouldn't be riding the bus to work.

And I also think, gosh if someone out there really is spending 50 bucks a month on Starbucks, they've got problems. Christian Childrens Fund could actually be part of their detox program, and they should send that money away to a child in Zaire.


Unknown said...

I went to Starbucks yesterday to treat myself to a chai latte, and then, at work, everybody wanted to know if I had gotten a free cup of coffee.

Apparently, unbeknownst to me, Starbucks was giving away free cups of coffee yesterday, and they didn't even OFFER me one.

I mean, I still would have had the chai, but an offer would have been nice.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend from work(who is to remain nameless because I think she silently reads your blog...) who spends like 60-80 bucks a month on Starbucks. She gave it up for lent and told me yesterday "Gee, I didn't really realize how much money I spend on Starbucks... I had like 50 bucks in my wallet last week and I still have 30 today".

laura said...

i like your line of thinking. and the picture of john wayne. :)

Charlie said...

Yay silent readers!
Hi silent readers, you're my secret friends, even if you spend too much money on coffee. :)

Gibbytron said...

Oh man. Indeed, it is covert subliminal marketing, isn't it? They should just be blatant about it and make an ad that says:


On on side, an image of a cup of coffee. On the other, an innocent, starving boy from Uganda. Priceless (or at least the price of a cup of... well, you know :)

Anonymous said...

The real reason I joined A.A. is the "deal" they give you on coffee: .25cents a cup or all-u-can-drink for $1.00. Forget sobriety, I need cheap coffee! G-Money