Wednesday, March 01, 2006

a shining example

I have this CD called "Bite the Red Knee" by a Japanese band called The Pugs. I bought it solely for its cover, while playing the "10 CD's for 10 dollars game" at this one CD store in Santa Barbara. (Lacy, you could have played!) The game rules are simple: each person picks 10 CD's by the cover out of the 10-for-$10 bin, both listen to all 20 CD's and whoever amassed the most quality CD's wins.
I don't think this CD counted towards my score.
But I did pull 3 good tracks off it, one of which is their Japanese-psycho-pop version of "Tequila."
Hence, a shining example of how the iPod has rescued me from my own crappy CD's.


Unknown said...

Always remember: PUGS NOT DRUGS

Anonymous said...

If you remember, that was one of the CD's I picked out which you thoughtfully traded with me for a CD with a picture of a flowerpot on it. (also bad, but at least it was in English)

Paul said...

Some bat dog!