Thursday, March 09, 2006

it's a spa, it's a bed, but it is not a chair

Waterbeds are going the way of the dodo, if you haven't noticed. I guess we all realized what a pain in the butt they are if you move alot, have pets with sharp edges, or have any sense of style whatsoever.

I mean what is with those headboards?

But let's be honest, those of us who once had one, were they not the milk and honey of comfort? I was just about to go to bed, but I'm stalling because I know how cold it will be. It's a really good bed, all foam, pillow top, not cheap either. But it's not pre-warmed and jello-squishy like a waterbed.

The only comfort drawback was the outer edge. Weren't you not supposed to sit on that edge? Sit-ability is the whole daytime purpose of a bed. And goodluck to ya' if you didn't have those vinyl pads (or velveteen if you were fancy like my Aunt Dianne) because you were gonna come away with some bruises before the morning came.

My roots show through when I have 400* thread count sheets on a tempur-pedic* matttress on a Macy's bedframe but I long for my 50/50 sheets and the old single-wide Mattress Discounter's waterbed.

*My mom will read this and question the number of threads, and my husband will read this and think that's not the right brand.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, the ironic thing is that I was totally thinking of waterbeds last week, and I was considering writing a post about them. Too weird. Sometimes, I really do think we may be sisters.