Monday, April 24, 2006

blimey, that's pukka

Tonight, my breadwinner mentioned that there is a position open in his company in London. I started popping off about all the benefits of Socialism and that's when he said it would only be for about a year. It's not temporary, but he doesn't think he would want to stay there longer than that.
Gorgeous, I thought. That's a perfect amount of time, every major holiday would be spent there, I could even have the experience of trying to find pumpkin in the grocery stores there on Thanksgiving.
Other items that fall in the "pro" column would be:
Our next baby would likely be born in the UK so s/he would have dual citizenship.
I could visit the pasty homeland of my forfathers.
I already speak the language.
Brits love candy.
Cons would be:
Bombers love London, always have.
No family, no friends.
No Target, Goodwill or Ross.
We would have to rent our lovely little house.

Please participate in my first ever blog poll that I've added to the sidebar.
Over thataway. -->


Anonymous said...

another "pro"; cheap travel from London to other cities...Paris anyone?
one more 'pro' for me - visits to see Cricket!!

Con: very expensive...per diem anyone?

laura said...
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laura said...

go for it! but i agree about the per diem cool would that be?

Unknown said...

freakin' go fo it. if scott came home and said i got this job but it's in, ok. you are already far away from family....shoot...i'll visit ya there since: norcal..been there done that. my motto in life is no regrets baby!

G$ said...

What the heck.. Nothing ventured nothing gained. You can tell our family loves travel and adventure.