Saturday, April 15, 2006


We had our fourth annual (Messianic) Passover seder last night. Despite poor Evite attendance, we had 11 people for dinner. Bad juju evite.
I got smart this year and made almost everything earlier in the day.Last time I nearly gave myself a nervous breakdown trying to prepare every dish to be ready right when we would eat it.
I made enough potatoes to feed an Irish village and kosher brownies and chocolate cakes that came out looking like I used an Easy Bake oven. Despite the absence of leaven and dairy, they were tasty!

We watched the The Passion afterwards on our giganto screen. I bought it yesterday with the thought "maybe we'll make a habit of watching it every year." Now I'm thinking every two years will be fine.

Nothing uses every dish in your kitchen like a passover seder.


A. Diabetic Person said...

Hey, you had chairs this time! Lucky bastards.

I wish I could have attended again this year. I'm glad to hear things went well :)

Unknown said...

I'm hungry just thinking about it.

Sam said...

I have so much matzah ball soup left over...I don't know what to do with it...shall I add it to your collection of leftovers?

BTW: Your new table and chairs are so fantastic!!