Tuesday, April 11, 2006

why did the chicken go to the library?

I went to library this afternoon because I needed what I call a "dumb read." Usually the books I buy for myself are thinking-books that require concentration and are low on the entertainment scale. They're good books, but the problem is I like to read right before bed. And before bed is the time for mindless entertainment. Not Danielle Steele dumb, just not apologetics or alernative economics textbooks.
I had forgotten how much I love the library. Free stuff, free entertainment, free information, how great is that? Thank you Ben Franklin. I checked out Holidays on Ice and Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, per Allison's recommendation. I wanted to get more but I have to pace myself. I read about 3 pages a night before falling asleep, so it takes me about a month to finish a book. I'm stoked to go back and just get a random book of the "New Books" shelf, like a mysterious jelly donut.

And the chicken, yeah. For the second time in my life I roasted cornish game hens for dinner. However tonight the recipe called for splitting the chickens with kitchen shears. I psyched myself up for it. I'm going to stick those scissors in the bird corpse and cut it in half. Yep. That's what I'm gonna do.
I couldn't do it. I almost became a vegetatrian right then and there because it was so disturbing. I skinned and disected a housecat in high school Anatomy class, but somehow the chicken was different.
I gave up and just roasted them whole like last time. They were still tasty little squabs, split or not.


Daniel said...

Martin Yan says that to split and bone a chicken rght you need to have a really good knife. It also helps if you massage the chicken. You see, they tense up when they see the cleaver and it helps them relax if you stretch out their muscles and rub them down a bit.

Unknown said...

might as well read for enjoyment. reading should be fun. no need to be a martyr.