Tuesday, April 04, 2006

S.A.D.:Silly Acronym Disease

Two local newscasts in a row have spent extensive blocks of airtime talking about SAD/seasonal affective disorder.
If you're not familiar with it or you didn't watch the news last night or this morning, it's what "experts" call getting depressed when it's dreary or wintery.
The "experts" droned on and on about how people need to watch happy movies, go for a walk and have friends over.
Uh huh.

Where do we live?
We have like 11 5/6 months of sunshine.

C'mon, suck it up people. We live in the Disneyland of the world, a few clouds shouldn't plunge you into the pit of despair.


Sam said...

11 5/6 months of sunshine huh? So 1 day every 2 1/2 weeks equates to that? It's been raining FOREVER and it's NEVER ENDING! EVER! Field work in the rain SUCKS! *POUT*

Charlie said...

Ladies and gentlemen, can i call your attention to the above comment?
The only one worse than a cry-weather-baby Californian, is a cry-weather-baby Arizonan.

Gibbytron said...

Amen on the crybabies! I've lived in the Texas T-Storms and HUMID heat, as well as the bare-ass cold in Colorado. Suck it up people! Southern Californians are worse, they wouldn't come to church because it RAINED! Lame lame lame.

Sam said...

Whoa whoa whoa...I was just calling into question your math. Then I cried. And BTW, I've got absolutely NOTHING against thunder and lightening storms...in fact, I miss my monsoons! :-P

Charlie said...

Sam, vocabulary time:

hy·per·bo·le (h-pûrb-l)

A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect.