Monday, December 12, 2005

add this to my list of holiday spirit killers

Notice to dogs everywhere:


I just came home to a living room that is virtual bog of dog barf. To top it off, he's still barfing, but I'm attached to a baby and can't throw him outside. What's two more barf puddles when you've already got six?
We used to have a dog pen so when we left the house they couldn't eat, say, anything at dog mouth level.(!)
But it was so-- ghetto, so they're new "bed" is under the sidetable.

Mojito actually destroyed the roll of tape a few days ago, which has since been thrown away. But apparently he squirreled away little tape snacks because I keep finding them around the house. And today his addiction caught up with him. I'm going to have to have an intervention.

Who would think a tiny dog could produce so much. I'm forcing Franklin to sit there with him. I know he was an accessory, he is not without masking tape sin.

Crying, biting baby and a furry little Vesuvius of vomit. Ugh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mojito's tape stash makes me think of your blanket pieces stash. He must take after you.