Monday, December 19, 2005

again I'm astounded

I was watching the Today show this morning (as I often do) and Katie Couric was interviewing a writer whose husband and daughter died. I said to him "Katie Couric's husband died too."
And he said "who?"
"Katie Couric-- the woman who's doing the interview"
"I don't know who that is."

He really had no idea who she was, until I explained/made fun of him for it.
He thought it made him superior for not knowing. I assured him to the contrary.

This is right up there with the Little Debbie incident.


laura said...

are we talking about kevin?

i am actually proud of him for not knowing katie couric!

Unknown said...

Not knowing who katie couric and little debbie are, is sort of like not knowing who Connie Chung and Maury Povich are and that they married.

Daniel said...

Thank God I'm in that club. Or almost anyway. I know the name, Katie Couric, but I couldn't say where to find her or what she does. Tell him he is cool.

And Little Debbie is bad for you anyway.

btw - who's the chick with the monkey?

Charlie said...

yes it was Kevin.
He's happy to have your support.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kevin!

You're a better man for not knowing who she is. She usually asks pretty asinine questions about typically asinine subjects.

If it makes you feel any better, I didn't know tang was made for astronauts, an EK makes fun of me all the time.

BUT, neither of us has the biggest "You gotta be kidding me!?!?" of all time :

Our friend (not to be named, but not my wife) came home to have husband "X" compaining that he had a stomache ache. After investigating further, she found out that he'd eaten an entire box of Doggie Beef Jerky. His response:
"Huh, I thought it tasted kinda salty..."