Friday, December 09, 2005

another thing I don't get

In addition to other popular american activites
doing drugs
stock car racing
eating ice cream
singing in/listening to choirs
drinking beer
playing in/ obsessing over team sports

I don't get video games. I mean I do on a Super Mario Bros level, and especially if you're a kid and you have nothing else to do, or at a boring party- video games are fun.
But the XBox 360 craze, and all the game system crazes of the past Christmases, that's what I don't understand. And how grown men will spend all their time and money on video games...I think this makes me stodgy, but I'll take pinball over all that business anyday.


laura said...

amen, sista.

you don't like ice cream? what is the matter with you!?!

Charlie said...

I kinda like ice cream, but only like a little bit at a time. I always et the kids size.
But don't get me wrong, I can eat a whole choclate cake at one sitting!

Anonymous said...

OK, I can get behind you on a few things, I disagree on the following:

Xbox 360 - Took expensive IMHO. For a grand, I can buy a new computer and get just as much computational power. I don't understand it, but it is significantly cooler than any other game system to date. HDMI! Just think how cool Kevin would be playing XBox 360 combined with the high-definition of a projector.

Stock car racing - Strange, I don't totally get it, but it fascinates my son. So does Arena football. We hope he grows out of it and into the "big" sports - Indycar and NFL.

Beer? You have a dog named after alcohol and you don't get drinking beer? I'm thinking you've never been to a "good" - IE non chain micro brewery before? They even have namby-pamby strawberry beers and light wheat beers at some places. It's like some of the best around. Strawberry Wheat from The Denver Chop-House - First beer EK ever liked. Cheap beer (Major lines, especially Miller and Keystone) I don't care for, but I get it at least.

And running sucks, but it's the fastest way to lose and keep weight off.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd also like to clarify - I "get" cheap beer, not purchase it. We're most definitely beer snobs!

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of what you say, but video games are good, not bad. I think you should give them a shot, like pkillur said...try on your hi-def might like it. I have a link to your site in a post. If it is cool with you, I would like to add one on the side.

Charlie said...

I wish I liked beer, just like I wish I liked black coffee, and crawdads. All of which would make a way cooler woman. But I'm just not that cool.
And rallycar racing is about as much car racing as I can handle. Because I don't like to see who wins, I like to see who skids out.

Nubian Nerd said...

Just came across your blogspot. I'm totally with you on the video game bit. (But I think it would be a mistake to encourage your anti-ice-cream attitude. I could recite a little ditty about screaming for ice-cream, but I'll spare you.)
