Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"one girl army"

(points awarded to anyone who knows who does that song)

Sam and I decided to go to the mall and see people losing their minds on Dec 23rd, just for some good ol' people watching. We wandered around, bought a penguin sweater for Cricket with a gift card I had and then I suggested we go in Pottery Barn Kids. I had never been inside, and just wanted to see what it was all about.
I was outraged (really, me, outraged) to see what they were selling in the girls section.
Pots and pans, clothes irons, dishwashers and washing machines! What?! You gotta be kiddin' me!
And what's on the boys' side?
Right, building blocks, roads and cars, telescopes.

I shake my fist at you people! A San Francisco based company, you should be ashamed of yourself!
Please, if you have a daughter*, buy her a telescope, not a toy blender.

*If I have a son, I just might buy him a toy iron and washing machine, not enough men know how to use those.


laura said...

not to mention that all the appliances are PINK! i would buy my son an iron, except i don't iron either. maybe i will get him a little pink washing machine. or better yet, teach him how to use the real one! :)

i don't know the song...i feel like a loser now.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I dig your perspective and am with you but on the other hand, how cool would it have been to have a play house with those retro appliances? And the washer and dryer? Man, I would have had the pimp playhouse with that stuff...

but yes, Pottery Barn should not stereotype. :)

Anonymous said...

P.S. The anonymous is Kamie, who can't remember her password

Unknown said...

Yeah, I went into Pottery Barn Kids with Christy about a month ago for the same reason...I'd never been inside. I too noticed that it was very sterotypical. Kinda irritated me. I thought the cool stuff was all on the boys side too. Way too gender specific. I agree with Kamie though that some of the girls stuff would be ok with me, like I LOVE the cash register with the MONEY. Yeah, boys can play with their dumb trains while the girls of the world master how to get the money!

Sam said...

Ro, funny you should mention the cash register...that was the one thing your sis said she would buy for Cricket! HA...guess you guys really are sisters after all :)