Sunday, November 19, 2006

one of many bad habits

Have you ever started rubbing your eyes because they itch and then you can't stop rubbing them?
A part of you feels like you can never stop rubbing them, like some sort of powerful momentary addiction?
And then if you do stop rubbing your eyes, they itch so much worse than before you ever rubbed them?

I do it all the time, and I don't think I'll ever learn my lesson.

And I blame the cat for everything.


Sam said...

I agree..."Hollah" the cat makes me itchy too. You know what helps me stop once I start? Visine has antihistamine eye drops...if you can handle the burn for a few seconds, you won't have to itch. Who cares if it's all in your head, the itch stops! :)

A. Diabetic Person said...

At least you didn't admit to picking your nose uncontrollably.

(Notice I said "admit to"...)

G$ said...

Damn Cat!

Anonymous said...

rubbing my eyes is like heroin is like i know it is wrong but i like it so much i can't stop.