Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Baby Tuesday

To clarify on the last baby name post, don't worry we won't do Tuesday as a name. He doesn't like it. And I never had the intention of making Abilene a first name for anyone. It was just a good "A" name for a middle.
But thank you all for shooting down Adenine. I'm pretty happy with the one that we can both agree on for now. 2 more months and you'll know it.

I have a video this week, but Youtube is down for maintenance, so that'll have to wait two shakes.

This is my vantage point during most of her waking hours. The baby attack. She's got claws and fangs, that baby. Villagers beware. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

laura said...

grrrr! watch out for the baby c! :)