Sunday, August 20, 2006

it's the closest thing to addiction for me

I stay at home most of the day and I stare at the decor discontentedly.
"This design did not work out the way I wanted it," I think to myself between dispensing bottles and kibbles.

But how to make it right? How can I make the living areas make sense?*

I did not know.

Then for our anniversary we went to a decent restaraunt and I loved the design of it.

Our furniture already works. It's brilliant and I want to paint the walls yellow and the trim brown right away!!

But alas, I made a promise to myself not to execute any design ideas until after the second baby arrives (the exception being the other baby's room of course).
I learned my lesson from the first go round. Roughly a quarter of my ideas were bad and now I have to figure out how to undo them.
Anything I do in the next 6 months must have been thought up before conception, ha, no but really, I made that rule.

So my Left Bank living/dining room will have to wait.
Even though I can't get through a day without plotting out every step of the concept.
"Warm yellow walls, yes, chocolate trim, a couple of dark stained round sidetables, mmhmm yes, lovely..."
It's about once an hour, honestly, that I think of it.

*I am quite sure no one in Swazliland has ever felt this way. And for that I am ashamed.


Unknown said...


Sam said...

so.....should I not trust your design help for my new room?

Charlie said...

sam, you probably shouldn't trust my judgment, you're right.